VERY strange Internal Error PLEASE HELP

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14 anni tempo fa
First...I love nopCommerce so thank you for all your efforts. Second, I can stumble around html ftp uploads etc. I know little to nothing about scripting etc. That's what makes nopCommerce so great. Pretty much anyone can do it.

OK, here we go...

I have 2 GoDaddy accounts that are completely separate. One of my own and one for my customer.

I had nopCommerce installed on my account (by Godaddy) and mocked up a website for a customer. My customer loved it so I moved it into their GoDaddy account by simply copying (via FTP) all the nopCommerce files from my site to theirs. Everything worked fine until yesterday. I changed NOTHING. no settings nothing. just drag and drop.

I was updating some categories and making simple changes using the login administration from within nopCommerce like I've done many times before.

Suddenly, I get a "We're sorry, an internal error occurred that prevents the request to complete." GoDaddy says there is a scripting error within nopCommerce "sorry can't help ya"

Here is the STRANGER than STRANGE part. The changes I made in the customer account, that I can no longer get to...have now appeared in MY account. WTF? No I did NOT accidentally enter them into the wrong site. Both the customer and I were on his account as I made the changes. He has no access to my account.

So I have 2 questions.

1. WTF happened?
2. Is there a way to build an nopCommerce site on your desktop and view it prior to uploading it? (sorry if that's a dumb question but I can't figure it out.


Thanks in advance.
14 anni tempo fa
i'm sure the majority of users download the code onto their computers, make any modifications using Visual Studio then upload the finished product - you can run it on your own computer through visual studio or IIs

the  error page you get is the store custom error page

you can get more information about the error by logging in and viewing the 'log' (admin  -->system-->log ) - then post the error here

if you can't log into your account, can you examine your database to see it that way? or did godaddy send you a copy of the error?
14 anni tempo fa
To answer your I cannot log into the account because it instantly brings up the Error Message when I visit the website.

" We're sorry, an internal error occurred that prevents the request to complete.

Our supporting staff has been notified with this error and will address this issue shortly. We profusely apologize for the inconvenience and for any damage this may cause. You might want to try the same action at later time. "

But, check this even stranger by the minute. I have 3 instances of nopCommerce.

The original is on my account in an nopcommerce folder
the second in was on my account but in a customer folder with no nopcommerce folder
the third was in my customers account in the root directory.

The original has all the changes I made and still works.
the second and third BOTH bombed out giving me the error message above.

As far as examining the database...I'm sorry to say I don't even know where to begin with that suggestion.

Thanks for the quick response!!!
14 anni tempo fa
you said " simply copying (via FTP) all the nopCommerce files from my site to theirs."

Have you also included the connection strings? any change you made to it?

If not, you are then sharing your own database with your customer, and any change you made/they made will apply to both website
14 anni tempo fa
to find out what went wrong.

you need to turn off the customer errors mode:

find out the script: <customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="ErrorPage.htm">
                             <error statusCode="403" redirect="BannedAddress.htm"/>
                             <error statusCode="404" redirect="FileNotFound.htm"/>

from your web.config file and replace with

                    <customErrors mode="Off"/>
13 anni tempo fa
I had the same problem but only occured after I installed a second nopcommerce site in a different domain. It appears that if you have a web config file in the route of the website and have added another domain to same account, this error occurs. I too called Godaddy about this and after two calls, was informed of this situation. They told me that there was a way to fix this problem by altering the route web config file but that I would have to find this out on my own. As a matter of fact that is why I am here today, to do just that.  So any takers on how to handle this situation? I suspect it has something to do with server map path or its equvalent function in The reason I suspect this is the way Godaddy handles your additional domains you add to the same account. Each new domain is really just a new directory within your main account that they redirect to. This means it is really more like a subdomain from a file perspective. So any scripts would have access to the route of your account as well as the directory(domain).
13 anni tempo fa
lWang was correct

When he asked..."Have you also included the connection strings? any change you made to it?

If not, you are then sharing your own database with your customer, and any change you made/they made will apply to both website "

I deleted the entire NOP folder, reinstalled it and pointed the data to the correct and newly created folder.

Now I have a new problem; After using a flash file in one of the "categories" I can no longer update that category using Firefox.
13 anni tempo fa
So...ask GoDaddy to install a second instance of NOP in the new/other folder.
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