Link in Customer sent email, not working

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14 anni tempo fa

I am testing my production site.

There are two issues.

1) When a customer is done with his order and confirms it, he receives Order No etc. with success message.

Underneath there is a button for Order Details, when I click on it, it does not show me any order details and just takes me to the Home Page of site.

2) The order confirmation email which is sent to customer contains a link like following:

Details of Order:

When I click on it, it does the same, i.e. just opens up the Home Page of site.

Now from customer's point of view that does not look right. In my opinion it must show him receipt both from Order Details button and also from the customer sent email link.

Please suggest me if I am missing something or getting wrong somewhere.

Thanks in advance.
14 anni tempo fa
normally, the links take you to the order, there seems to be a problem with yours at the moment
14 anni tempo fa
I work as an Asp.Net Developer by profession.

Just asking you for time saving,
Can you please guide, in which files should I start looking for trouble shooting this issue. Any suggestions ...

Also one more concern, if this link works, is it good to show OrderID in address bar, I mean using QueryString approach.
Should'nt we hide OrderID or encrypt it somewhat (if nevertheless to show it in addressbar) to avoid making someone changing OrderID (e.g 33 to 30) in address bar and looking at some other person's order(s) ?

14 anni tempo fa
topgun743 wrote:

Also one more concern, if this link works, is it good to show OrderID in address bar, I mean using QueryString approach.
Should'nt we hide OrderID or encrypt it somewhat (if nevertheless to show it in addressbar) to avoid making someone changing OrderID (e.g 33 to 30) in address bar and looking at some other person's order(s) ?


you should only be able to view the orders associated with your account (which you have to be logged in to view anyway) so this shouldn't be an issue

Can you please guide, in which files should I start looking for trouble shooting this issue. Any suggestions ...

did you alter message templates at all ? (admin-->content management-->templates-->message templates )

look for   %Order.OrderURLForCustomer%

maybe you changed the actual link?
14 anni tempo fa
On your return page do a response.write on the current user id. I.E Response.Write(NopContext.Current.Customer.CustomerID)

Then make sure that your OrderID belongs to that customer.

As haydie said you will only be able to view the order if it belongs to the current Nop Customer.

On the return if you click on your account, past orders - can you see the last order this way?
14 anni tempo fa

I have checked,

I have not changed  %Order.OrderURLForCustomer%  setting in   OrderCompleted.CustomerNotification  message template.

I have noticed Customer can only see his booked/payed order, if he is already logged into site or if he has previously logged into site using the "remember" option.

The link just takes him to the Home page if he is not logged in currently or previously did not use the "remember" option while logging.

The customer should be shown his invoice nevertheless, if he comes from the email link, no matter he is logged in or not currently to site.

Is there any solution or should I pull up my sleeves and dive deep into code to find one?
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