PayPal Standard plugin - credit card authorization code.

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7 anni tempo fa
I  am using PayPal Standard plugin to connect to PayPal. After order was paid by credit card in PayPal, I need to know credit card authorization code.

Can I use AuthorizationTransactionCode as credit card authorization code? or it is something else?

What the difference between AuthorizationTransactionCode and

This fields are saved into the order table if processPaymentResult.Success is true. Are they are optional?

I tested PayPal locally, AuthorizationTransactionCode,
AuthorizationTransactionId and AuthorizationTransactionResult are null. What should I do to have the value in these fields?

7 anni tempo fa
I believe that PayPal Direct is the only out-of-the box payment provider that populates those fields.  (The Authorize.Net plugin does too, but it's no longer included out-of-the-box ;)

PayPal Standard does "log" a txn_id in the Order Notes.
7 anni tempo fa
Could you please explain more about PayPal Standard does "log" a txn_id in the Order Notes.

What is txn_id? What table?

7 anni tempo fa
txn_id is a Unique Transaction ID, that is generated by PayPal
7 anni tempo fa
I am not able to find this field in Order table.
7 anni tempo fa
It's in the [OrderNote] table.
7 anni tempo fa
It is no field txn_id in OrderNote table.

[Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
  [OrderId] [int] NOT NULL,
  [Note] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL,
  [DownloadId] [int] NOT NULL,
  [DisplayToCustomer] [bit] NOT NULL,
  [CreatedOnUtc] [datetime] NOT NULL
7 anni tempo fa
It's in the  [Note]  field.  You will need to parse it out.
7 anni tempo fa
My Note field has like this value ""Order placed" email (to store owner) has been queued. Queued email identifier: 37."
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