i have a case where a product has 3 attributes (atr1, atr2, atr3) and two of them make attribute combinations (atr1 and atr2), atr3 is only for price adjustment or some option offerings.
only atr1 and only atr2 by itself makes a attribute combination too since the sku changes when a value of atr1 is selected.
so i created combinations for the values of atr1 only, atr2 only and their combinations. each combination has a different price and sku.
atr3 has nothing to do with the combination configuration.

now the problem is; when i select a value of atr1 the adjusted price is shown, but when i select atr2 and atr3 AreProductAttributesEqual method finds no match and returns null so the price and the sku defaults to products price and sku. But i want it to find the atr1 + atr2 combination and ignore atr3 since its not a part of the combinations.

isnt this supposed to be the logic in there?
or am i missing something?

thanks in advance