FedEx plugin issue for INDIA

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7 anni tempo fa
Hello All,
One of my team member was working on fedex plugin for shipping rate computation. This plugin is default provided by nopCommerce.
We configured everything well but unable to make it work for INDIA. Any suggestions?
7 anni tempo fa
Is it related to this forum topic?
7 anni tempo fa
Yes. But proposed solution is not working. Plugin is working well for other countries for example i checked with US.
But not working with INDIA after modification as well.
7 anni tempo fa
Please provide a complete list of steps to reproduce the issue. Error details in the log, etc
7 anni tempo fa
FedEx plugin will need to be upgraded to handle IN to IN (for same country)
7 anni tempo fa
I have recorded everything using PSR on my windows. There are two files. Where should i put them?
7 anni tempo fa
I have get the solution for this issue. please check my code that added into FedexComputationMethod.cs file that exist into Fedex Plugin. Insert this code after 110 line no of this plugin file. also check my image that added that much easier for you.

#region Customization to make this plugin for india

            if (getShippingOptionRequest.CountryFrom.TwoLetterIsoCode == getShippingOptionRequest.ShippingAddress.Country.TwoLetterIsoCode)
                request.RequestedShipment.CustomsClearanceDetail = new CustomsClearanceDetail();
                request.RequestedShipment.CustomsClearanceDetail.CommercialInvoice = new CommercialInvoice();
                request.RequestedShipment.CustomsClearanceDetail.CommercialInvoice.Purpose = PurposeOfShipmentType.SOLD;
                request.RequestedShipment.CustomsClearanceDetail.CommercialInvoice.PurposeSpecified = true;
                request.RequestedShipment.CustomsClearanceDetail.CustomsValue = new Money();
                request.RequestedShipment.CustomsClearanceDetail.CustomsValue.Currency = "INR";
                request.RequestedShipment.CustomsClearanceDetail.CustomsValue.AmountSpecified = true;
                request.RequestedShipment.CustomsClearanceDetail.CustomsValue.Amount = 100;
                request.CarrierCodes = new RateServiceWebReference.CarrierCodeType[1];
                request.CarrierCodes[0] = RateServiceWebReference.CarrierCodeType.FDXE;
            #endregion Customization to make this plugin for india

7 anni tempo fa
We have fixed it now. You can see changes in this commit. Thanks for the contribution.
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