Looking for a "submit artwork" feature for my nopcommerce site

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7 anni tempo fa
I'm still new to nopcommerce. My company does a lot of customized items for various occasions and instead of telling my customers just to email me their image/artwork, I'd like to have a feature on the website that allows them to submit their images. I have a feeling that I might have to set up a server for something like this. Is there a widget or something that can point me in the right direction to get started on this?

Thank you
7 anni tempo fa
Yes, it's possible.
Catalog->Attributes->Product Attributes
Create one named "MyArtwork" or whatever.
Add a product.
Edit that product to "Add new record" on the Product Attribute tab to add that MyArtwork attribute you created.
Under the "Control type" of that attribute, select "File Upload"
Once the customer uploads and checks out... the file will be attached on the order on the Order's Product tab.
You might have to deal with file size and type issues.
7 anni tempo fa
Wow, that was actually easier than I thought. Thank you so much. One more question. Where would this file end up? is it going to be within my nopcommerce site or would it be under my hosting?
7 anni tempo fa
Nevermind, I see that it's attached the actual order within nopcommerce. That's interesting. Thanks again.
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