How to add shipping method copCommerce 3.8

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7 anni tempo fa

I want to add a shipping method to my new nopCommerce 3.8 installation but I cannot find where to do it.
In the older versions you could just go to: Configuration > Shipping > Shipping Methods.
This location does not exist in the 3.8 version.
Does any of you know where to do this?

Kind regards,
7 anni tempo fa

The Url is "/Admin/Shipping/Methods"

In menu, I don't know
7 anni tempo fa

User kava is right. That is the link to the shipping methods.
You can also access it by going to Administration -> Configuration -> Shipping -> Shipping providers -> Edit either the Fixed Rate Shipping method or the Shipping by weight method -> Click on the Manage Shipping methods button on the top right.

Oddly enough, you cannot get to this part of the nopCommerce administration by using the search functionality.

Hope that helps!

7 anni tempo fa
Thanks for your help! It worked and really helped me out!
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