Default nopCommerce code unit test failure

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7 anni tempo fa
When I have downloaded default nopCommerce code I can see that in class AutoMapperConfigurationTest the Configuration_is_valid() method is failing to pass test.

Problem is with automapper configuration in "AdminMapperConfiguration.cs" we need to add an ignore to AzureCacheControlHeader.

  cfg.CreateMap<MediaSettingsModel, MediaSettings>()
                    .ForMember(dest => dest.ImageSquarePictureSize, mo => mo.Ignore())
                    .ForMember(dest => dest.AutoCompleteSearchThumbPictureSize, mo => mo.Ignore())
                    .ForMember(dest => dest.AzureCacheControlHeader, mo => mo.Ignore());

Does anyone has same problem ?
7 anni tempo fa
Just ran into the same failing test. It's not corrected in develop branch yet. Found an open issue:

Fix is scheduled for 4.0
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