Shipping Method - Manual (Fixed or By Weight)

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7 anni tempo fa
Hi, I used the method Manual (Fixed or By Weight) for my shipping since I have rate price according to weight. I have a question though, how can I edit the Cart or Checkout page to say, "If you have this certain amount of items to buy, please call us to discuss."
7 anni tempo fa
Edit \Views\Checkout\OnePageCheckout.cshtml. View this thread for best practice editing views:
7 anni tempo fa
Thanks, but this is only for the html? How can I add the code to let the customers know that they need to call if they ordered a certain number of items. What code should i use? Any sample? Preferably in the Cart page to let them know right away that they need to call instead in CheckOut page.
7 anni tempo fa
ronnienatividad wrote:
Hi, I used the method Manual (Fixed or By Weight) for my shipping since I have rate price according to weight. I have a question though, how can I edit the Cart or Checkout page to say, "If you have this certain amount of items to buy, please call us to discuss."

I see 2 options:
1) In admin>configuration>languages>edit to edit as you wish the following string resource, displayed in the shopping cart: "Enter your destination to get a shipping estimate"

2) Include your text in an HTML widget and place it in one of the available widget zones
7 anni tempo fa

Where's the best place to notify the Customer that they need to call us for shipping info if they reach a certain number of items? I'm thinking of placing it right away in Shopping Cart then disable or hide checkout button and place the message instead. So they won't waste their time filling up the forms on Checkout page just to know they need to call us. What do you think.

How can I calculate the total weight on the Shipping Cart Page and detect if it reached or go over a specific weight, they need to call us. Please help.
7 anni tempo fa
It's going to be a little tricky.  Although you can Resolve() services in a .cshtml file, the GetTotalWeight method takes a shipping option request as an input parameter  (i.e.  _shippingService.GetTotalWeight(getShippingOptionRequest)  ), and you won't have that in the .cshtml code.  So, you'd have to brute force the weight calculation by looping through items in cart.  However, if you have Attributes that have 'additional weight', it gets more complicated.
7 anni tempo fa
New York,

Are you talking about in Shopping Cart Page? I'm just wondering if it would be possible to include a "Call Us for Shipping" option in "Manual (Fixed or By Weight)" shipping provider plugin because realistically, there should be limit in shipping.

I'm thinking of using an validation error in Shopping cart page, prohibiting the user to go to checkout page and inform them that they must call us for shipping.

My questions are:
Is't possible to calculate the weight during on shopping cart and on the will display "Call for shipping details" in shipping section. then disable checkout button?

Can you help me with the code? What to put and what page?
7 anni tempo fa
If can't do it on Shipping Cart, it's OK to put it in Checkout Page. Do you think it's better to create a new Shipping Method and display "Call for Shipping Details". Then add a new record in "By Weight" that ranges the weight from let's say 2000 lbs to 10,000 lbs and use the created "Call for shipping" as the shipping method? But my problem is, how can I disable the "Continue" Button on checkout page if the option is "Call for SHipping" So the customer won't go further in finishing the order?
7 anni tempo fa
Shipping Director can prevent the customer from continuing the checkout, like in this example blog.  The customer goes through checkout and enters shipping address, but then on next page they would see the message and be unable to continue.  In your case, the configuration would be

  10   ErrorExit    Call      [$TotalWeight] > 2000                        "Call Us for Shipping" 
  20   Option       ByWeight  true                    Shipping.ByWeight
7 anni tempo fa
New York,

I'll try Shipping Director but I have a question. Can I use Shipping Director and Manual (Fixed or By Weight) plugin together or I only need to choose one?
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