Changes made on local system are not reflected on server after dll upload

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7 anni tempo fa
Hi All,

I am using Nop 3.80. I have done changes to PayPalStandardPaymentProcessor.cs file. On local system everything works as expected. Everleap is our web hosting. I have uploaded the modified dll to server, but changes are not reflected on server. Please advice.
7 anni tempo fa
You need to restart IIS APP Pool.

If you cant, do it by changing your global.asax file. Just open it, add an empty space and save.

You must do it everytime you change your dlls outside bin folder.
7 anni tempo fa
Thank You for the suggestion, but it didn't work.

I made the changes in Plugins/Nop.Plugin.Payments.PayPalStandard - Build the project - deleted the old dll file from server - uploaded the new dll to /site/wwwroot/Plugins/Payments.PayPalStandard - updated the global.ascx file but the desired result is not reflected. Am I missing anything? Please guide.
7 anni tempo fa
- Edit global.asax on the server.
- Refresh APP Pool
- Restart Application (nop admin)
7 anni tempo fa
Just to add to their suggestions...just deleting the old dll isn't enough because it is still loaded into memory on the server.

The only way to get it to absolutely reload your assemblies again (including the new dll) is to either restart the application pool in IIS, or by "touching" the global.asax.
7 anni tempo fa
Thank You all. It worked.
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