Switching Databases - Visual Studio solution plus online database

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7 anni tempo fa
End goal - make a local visual studio solution run with an online database from a previous installation of nopcommerce.


I already have a database running online, with existing data. It's an identical copy of my e-commerce site. So, original database is running just fine. I assume the copy is identical and is fine as well.

Running the nopcommerce solution on PC, and the site on localhost. Did the default installation, and got the default store up and running. Then, reached out to settings.txt. Changed the connection string to point to my online database. I assumed that now, the local solution would point to the online database.

Nope. The site now simply keeps redirecting me to the login page.

Stuff that I have tried.

1. Rebuilt the solution
2. Changed the connection string to point to the original database (you know, just in case, the something went wrong with the copy process)
3. Tried a different browser.
4. Made sure that server firewall allows the local solution to access the database. It does.

I dont know what else I need to do here. The settings.txt is the only file that contains the connection string, and the connection string is perfect.
7 anni tempo fa
Everything redirects to login page?

Any log/warring?
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