deleting products

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6 anni tempo fa
Hi there
when i delete all the products using Delete Product or by doing it manually and then re import products the product url then becomes "2" at the end.


url looks like

it should be

as if the site still remembers the original product. as i dont want the "2" version of the url have i missed a step in the deletion process?

is there a way to start afresh with the products?

Thanks !
6 anni tempo fa
There may be another way to do this, but as far as I know, if you want to retain the original slug on import, you'll need to delete the matching slugs from dbo.UrlRecord manually.
6 anni tempo fa
I guess for your case it is better to unpublish these products and publish them the next time
6 anni tempo fa
Like Adam says, you have to manually delete the already used Slug so that you can change it in the product SEO screen:   admin >> System >> Search Engine Friendly Page Names
In later versions, there is an "Edit Page" link that you can click to see if it's currently used in another valid URL before deleting it.
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