Clicking link name in category display does not show product detail

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6 anni tempo fa

I'm using nopCommerce 3.90 with source.  I am doing this on a local test system executing the website through Visual Studio 2017.

After importing 1,000 products using the Excel product import, when I go to one of those products on the front end user side using the category search, the products show for that category, but when I click on the product name link, it does not go to the product detail page.  It just does nothing.

Bringing up one of the test items, created by nopCommerce install, clicking on it's link works OK.

Does anyone know why the detail pages are not showing for the items that I have imported?

6 anni tempo fa
In admin > products, edit a product (advanced) and check the SEO tab / Search engine friendly page name
6 anni tempo fa
Thanks New York,

For one of the products that is not working, I just put an "x" in the Search engine friendly page name and that allowed the link to work.

So, I guess that all products need something in that field.

The description for that field says "Leave empty to generate it automatically based on the name of the product"

All of the products have names.  So, why is it not automatically generating that field?

Can you suggest what should go there if I am importing products from my supplier inventory file?

6 anni tempo fa
When editing the product in admin, it will certainly "...generate it automatically ...".  According to this post, I had tested it back in 3.80 and it worked fine during Import too (although I quickly compared 3.80 to 3.90 code and it looks the same), but someone replied only a couple of weeks ago that it was a problem (in 3.9 I assume).  

For now, I recommend that you put the product name in the SeName column in the xlsx file.  (Test import of just one record first ;)
6 anni tempo fa
Based on your other post about Picture column, maybe you also have a space (" ") in the SeName column.
6 anni tempo fa
New York wrote:
Based on your other post about Picture column, maybe you also have a space (" ") in the SeName column.

I did not put the "SeName" in my Excel import file until after you suggested using the  product name in the SeName column.

It's all working now.

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