
I am try to create a CI/CD pipeline for nopcommerce 4.0 so I can create a staging/test environment and a production environment with minimal downtime. I can successfully build the solution and generate the build artefacts, however the tests are not found. This is not a show stopper but it is always preferable to see that all the unit tests have run correctly so I am wondering if anyone else has got this working...

In fact even in VS2017 I cant get the unit tests to work, I have added NUnit3TestAdapter to the nuget packages for all the test projects but the VS2017 test explorer still shows lots of warnings such as:

[17/11/2017 18:38:13 Warning] Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object.
[17/11/2017 18:38:13 Warning]    at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ProcessDebugHeader()
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadSymbols(ISymbolReader reader)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.ReadSymbols(ModuleDefinition module, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.CreateModuleFrom(Image image, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadModule(Stream stream, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadModule(String fileName, ReaderParameters parameters)
   at NUnit.VisualStudio.TestAdapter.NavigationDataProvider.CacheNewTypes(String assemblyPath, IDictionary`2 types) in C:\Users\Terje\Source\Repos\nunit\nunit3-vs-adapter\src\NUnitTestAdapter\NavigationDataProvider.cs:line 103
   at NUnit.VisualStudio.TestAdapter.NavigationDataProvider.GetNavigationData(String className, String methodName) in C:\Users\Terje\Source\Repos\nunit\nunit3-vs-adapter\src\NUnitTestAdapter\NavigationDataProvider.cs:line 48
   at NUnit.VisualStudio.TestAdapter.TestConverter.MakeTestCaseFromXmlNode(XmlNode testNode) in C:\Users\Terje\Source\Repos\nunit\nunit3-vs-adapter\src\NUnitTestAdapter\TestConverter.cs:line 144
   at NUnit.VisualStudio.TestAdapter.TestConverter.ConvertTestCase(XmlNode testNode) in C:\Users\Terje\Source\Repos\nunit\nunit3-vs-adapter\src\NUnitTestAdapter\TestConverter.cs:line 79
   at NUnit.VisualStudio.TestAdapter.NUnit3TestDiscoverer.ProcessTestCases(XmlNode topNode, ITestCaseDiscoverySink discoverySink, TestConverter testConverter) in C:\Users\Terje\Source\Repos\nunit\nunit3-vs-adapter\src\NUnitTestAdapter\NUnit3TestDiscoverer.cs:line 174

and at the end it says that no tests were found...

I am wondering if anyone else has seen the error or has detailed instructions about how to get the tests to show in either VS2017 test explorer or VSTS.