502.3 on Installation of nopCommerce 4.0

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6 anni tempo fa

I downloaded the source for nopCommerce 4.0 today.  After unpacking and opening the solution in Visual Studio, I hit the play button to run in IIS Express.  After a considerable delay (about 10 minutes), I see the "502.3 Bad Gateway" response.  Is there a way around this?  Have I missed a simple step?

6 anni tempo fa
Couple of things to note,
- You need to have .Net Windows Server Hosting Module installed, for .Net Core hosting.
- In web.config, look for arguments=, delete the -argFile string. Basically make the arguments string empty.

Hopefully this should resolve your problem.

6 anni tempo fa

Could you provide specifics on how I install the .Net Windows Server Hosting Module?  This is on my Windows 10 localhost.

6 anni tempo fa
I did remove the contents of the arguments attribute on the aspNetCore element, but I'm still getting the error.

<aspNetCore requestTimeout="00:07:00" processPath="%LAUNCHER_PATH%" arguments="" forwardWindowsAuthToken="false"
                stdoutLogEnabled="false" stdoutLogFile=".\logs\stdout" />
6 anni tempo fa
Another reply.  After I encounter the error, stop the site in Visual Studio, and see that it's still running, I can click the start button again in Visual Studio and everything is running fine: I can put in breakpoints and step through code like I need to.

So, why does Visual Studio need to encounter an error and be stopped before this works?

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