Product Variants (SKU's) has incorrect stock number

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13 anni tempo fa

Using your sample data the:
adidas Women's Supernova CSH 7 Running Shoe

Has variants of colour and size with different stock levels it also has the track stock for product variants... however when you go back to the product and select the Product Variants (SKU's) it displays stock of 1000.  This is wrong I would expect to see the total of all combinations.

Hope this is understandable.

13 anni tempo fa
Go to your product variant details page and ensure that "Manage Stock" is set to "Track inventory for this variant by product attributes"
13 anni tempo fa
Hi thanks for the quick reply.

I have checked the dropdown option is selected.  I have also had a quick look at the database and found the ManageInventory field is set to 2.

I don't have the code downloaded to look any further, but I'm guessing that there maybe some logic problem...?

I would have expected the calculation of stock to have been made from the Nop_ProductVariantAttributeCombination table and not used the StockQuantity in Nop_ProductVariant if the ManageInventory = 2

Just ran the Stored Procedure Nop_ProductVariantLoadByProductID is this the source of the problem?

Hope this helps,
13 anni tempo fa
1. If you set "Manage Stock" to "Track for this product", then you manage "Stock quantity" of a product variant (the first tab on product variant details page).
2. If you set "Manage Stock" to "Track inventory for this variant by product attributes", then you manage stock on "Product variant attributes">"Attribute Combinations" tab.
13 anni tempo fa
Thanks for the reply.

I understand your advice, but it would be nice to see the rollup of stock variants as a total in the Product Variants tab/table as the stock of 1000 doesn't make sense, and is not a true reflection of the stock....

The only reason why you would want to see 1000 stock items on the Product Varients tab/table is if you have 1000 stock items that don't have variants... In the training shoe example that is never going to be the case and if it was you could create an 'all other' variant.

Could I suggest this as an enhancement?  I could have a look at the code myself, but I am not a developer... although keen to learn and have enjoyed looking at the SQL code.

I am in the process of writing some SQL statements that help me keep track of stock and price in one report.  I am new to nopCommerce is this available on the site already somewhere?
13 anni tempo fa
Thanks for suggestion
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