SKU Numbers Needed With All Product Instances

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13 anni tempo fa
Hello, I have been working on the nopCommerce store for the past few weeks and have arrived at a brick wall. I have searched and read hundereds of these discussions and have tried several of the solutions offered and still have had no success. I have managed to manipulate the what is displayed as far as "hiding" or making things 'invisible'. This is all working good. My website has many items that the interested customers will at to the cart for which they are requesting a quotation, therfore there is no display of price, tax, totals, etc., just the quantity and product name.

I would like help with displaying the SKU number everyplace the product is. For example on the product details pages, cart, checkout, and very important - the order confirmation email that is sent to the customer and store owner.

I need this since customers may call regarding an item and would need to know more specific of which item number they are inquiring.

Please provide me some assistance!

Thank you
13 anni tempo fa
Ok, so I have managed to do with out a SKU display with the products. Since I only have one variant for each product I figured out if I use "variants in a grid" I can name the variant name the Item or SKU number I want to use. It is displayed in the product info pages and in checkout it is next to the product name in "(1234)" parentenses, sorry for the mis spelling. Also it shows in the order confirmation emails.

Now I still have the issue of not being able to choose what I want to show in the confirmation email. I dont want price, qty, shipping, subtotal, total, etc.

Can anyone help me with this??
13 anni tempo fa
A similar thread:
13 anni tempo fa
emergencymachine wrote:
I would like help with displaying the SKU number everyplace the product is.

This feature will be available in upcoming 1.80 release
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