OrderShipped.CustomerNotification not being sent

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13 anni tempo fa

When I press the Set as Shipping button on the OrderDetails page a message should be created and sent to the customers mail address.

According to the message queue the message is also created and sent. However the mail is never received (or maybe it is never actually sent). If I open the message and press re-queue the message is sent again and this time it is also received by the recipient.

Other messages from nopCommerce (1.5) is sent and received without any problems.

Have anyone else experienced similar problems? And more important; do you have a solutions to this issue?

Please help before I go bald from pulling out my hair :)

Best regards,

13 anni tempo fa
Are you sending to and from the same domain?
I have had some restrictions regarding this.
It sounds like It must be related to things outside of nop.
13 anni tempo fa
Problem solved!

I changed the SMTP server (to SMTP2Go) as I suspected it to be the culprit - and now it works. So I guess I will have to contact my web/mail host as it must be a problem with their SMTP server.


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