Shipping by postcode and weight in Australia V1.70

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13 anni tempo fa
Hi All, I need some help configuring shipping options. We are based in Australia and due to the nature of our business we have to use a specific courier company for shipping. We only have 2 shipping options, in store pickup and courier.

I have a table/spreadsheet that has all the shipping rates calculated on weight for a given postcode, eg, shipping of a 10kg package to a postcode of 6001 is $20.04, or a 20kg package is $29.10

What I need to be able to do is read the shipping address postcode and shopping cart weight, and then return the calculated shipping rate to the user as an option.

I have looked at the Shipping By Country & Order Weight and the Shipping By Order Weight computation methods, but they are not suitable. I contemplated modifying the Shipping By Country & Order Weight method by adding the postcodes as countries, but this is not feasible as there are approx 3200 unique postcodes.

Does anyone have any suggestions/help ??

Ok, so after thinking about this for a while, i think i can achieve a solution by modifying the Shipping By Country & Order Weight method to Shipping By Postcode & Order Weight - what i need to do is select the postcode from the shipping address instead of country, and retrieve the appropriate value from the SQL table.

My issue now is how can i modify the code to do this? Where do i start?
13 anni tempo fa
Ok, so after thinking about this for a while, i have come up with the following solution:

By using the shipping by country and weight computation method I can achieve what i am after as we only ship within Australia.

I have modified the address screens by hiding the zip/postal code drop down list and replacing it with the country list.

I then added all my postcodes as countries via an sql script, added states in the same way, and then finally added my rates.

A small benefit of this is that I can specify the state related to a postcode, so the postback form the new postcode drop down list automatically fills in the state, ensuring that it is only the state i have assigned to that postcode - less room for error on the shoppers part.

Not an easy task, but much less work than trying to modify the code and the end result is the same.
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