[NOP4.0] Too many redirects or /and non-WWW redirect not work for https?

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5 anni tempo fa
Hi, we have problem with redirections.

Nop4.0, our setting
WWW prefix requirement: Pages should have WWW prefix
Force SSL for all site pages: (checked)

Store URL: https://www.mystore.com/
SSL enabled: (checked)
Secure URL: https://www.mystore.com/
Host Values: mystore.com,www.mystore.com

When we type http://mystore.com or https://mystore.com our shop not opened, and we see ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS:
https://mystore.com > http://mystore.com and again https://mystore.com...

When we delete both Host values (leave empty)... it's start working, but when we type: http://mystore.com or https://mystore.com it's don't make redirect https://www.mystore.com but open https://mystore.com without www...

What we do wrong? why redirect don't work? is it bug? or we miss something?
5 anni tempo fa
5 anni tempo fa
have the same problem... with 4.1
5 anni tempo fa
Zyje_sobie wrote:
dod u solve it?
4 anni tempo fa
I have a same problem with 4.20 version.
it seems the install page loops.
any idea ?
4 anni tempo fa
with version 4.2

1. I can run it successfully in visual studio
2. Deployed successfully to local IIS, and can run it successfully
3. Deployed to Azure, got too many redirects, cannot display the install page
4 anni tempo fa
Зацикливается сайт при включение ssl enabled = true -  to many redirect error
Что делать?
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