Major Shared SSL Issues

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13 anni tempo fa
Hi, I'm having issues with implementing Shared SSL in nopCommerce v 1.7.

My host is Appliedi, and they gave me a Shared SSL url of:

In web.config, I have:

<add key="UseSSL" value="true"/>
<add key="SharedSSL" value=""/>

nopCommerce is installed in /onlinestore/, so browsing to brings up the store login page. However, I am running into two major issues. The first issue is I receive an intermittent Server Error when I attempt to login:

Server Error in '/ltcconsultants-com/onlinestore' Application.
Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that <machineKey> configuration specifies the same validationKey and validation algorithm. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster.

This does not always happen, as sometimes the login is successful, but I am also having issues with incorrect links throughout the site. For instance, browsing to , the Category links on the left side are addiing an extraneous "/onlinestore/" to the links, for example

Also, if a login attempt is successful (instead of getting the Server Error), when it returns to the Welcome page, all the links in the Featured Items section are broken and all the thumbnail images are broken.

All of these issues resolve when I disable SSL in web.config.

I have been working with Appliedi techs for over 3 days now and they can't seem to figure this out, so hopefully you guys know what to do!

13 anni tempo fa
Appliedi was finally able to resolve the Server Error issue, but the links are still messed up. Any suggestions?

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