nopcommerce 1.7.0 Templates/Categories/ProductsInGrid.ascx DropDownList ddlSorting not working

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13 anni tempo fa
in ProductsInGrid.cs  usercontrol this following event not fire

  protected void ddlSorting_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string url = CommonHelper.GetThisPageUrl(true);
            url = CommonHelper.ModifyQueryString(url, "orderby=" + ddlSorting.SelectedItem.Value, null);

in this event my querystring does not bring  any  value of price,position and name so my query string is blank and the ddllSorting_SelectedIndexChnage() event not fire and the dropdownlist is fill with position option .
Please any one have the solution then tell me .

13 anni tempo fa
have you found the solution............. for this
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