How to add JS & Jquery scripts to site

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13 anni tempo fa

Newbie to Nop Commerce, running version 1.8 and am trying to figure how to insert javascript and jquery scripts into the site. I found this in the Root.Master page, <asp:PlaceHolder id="SCRIPTS" runat="server" />, but am also new to so  am not sure if this is where the scripts need to go or if I manually need to add them to <head> section.

Any Help is much appreciated!!

13 anni tempo fa
hi have a look here

and see if it helps

- hayden
13 anni tempo fa
You need to add js files to root.master. If you only want to use jquery on specific pages then you can create a new master page with no js file.

Have a look at the mini basket is in jquery. If you go to any category page and click add to cart the item flies to the basket and added.
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