Change "Manufactures" to "For Manufactures"

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13 anni tempo fa
I want to change "Manufactures" to "For Manufactures" on the left column menu each page.
I tried to change
<%=GetLocaleResourceString("For Manufacturers")%>
on ManufactureNavigation.ascx page.

which turned out "for manufactures" on the menu with lower cases.

How can I make it upper case "For Manufactures"?
13 anni tempo fa
You're doing it the wrong way round.

You need to find: Manufacturer.Manufacturers in Localization in the CMS and change the VALUE (not name) to 'For Manufactures'.

You'll then need to change the locale call in the ASCX file back to - <%=GetLocaleResourceString("Manufacturer.Manufacturers")%>.

The way nop works (for localization and generally good practice of making text and content 'soft') is to use the GetLocalResourceString() tokens that call the values based on the name that is referenced. So in this case, calling <%=GetLocaleResourceString("Manufacturer.Manufacturers")%> retrieves the value of the name = value pair called Manufacturer.Manufacturers in the DB/Localization file.
13 anni tempo fa
EdNice wrote:
You're doing it the wrong way round.

You need to find: Manufacturer.Manufacturers in Localization in the CMS and change the VALUE (not name) to 'For Manufactures'.

You'll then need to change the locale call in the ASCX file back to - <%=GetLocaleResourceString("Manufacturer.Manufacturers")%>.

The way nop works (for localization and generally good practice of making text and content 'soft') is to use the GetLocalResourceString() tokens that call the values based on the name that is referenced. So in this case, calling <%=GetLocaleResourceString("Manufacturer.Manufacturers")%> retrieves the value of the name = value pair called Manufacturer.Manufacturers in the DB/Localization file.

Thank you EdNice. It worked.
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