Add to Cart For Price

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13 anni tempo fa
Has anyone created or configured Nop to not show a price until the shopping cart? We have a lot of MAP (minimum advertised price) policies where we can't a price on the product page, but we can in the cart. There are also a lot of MAP policies where we can show a price on the product page, and we can show a lower price in the cart.

Ideas or suggestions?

13 anni tempo fa
simplest way, try setting the visibility of the price to 'hidden' eg

               <div class="price" style="visibility:hidden;" >
                    <nopCommerce:ProductPrice1 ID="ctrlProductPrice" runat="server" ProductVariantId='<%#Eval("ProductVariantId") %>' />
                    <nopCommerce:DecimalTextBox runat="server" ID="txtCustomerEnteredPrice" Value="1"
                        RequiredErrorMessage="<% $NopResources:Products.CustomerEnteredPrice.EnterPrice %>"
                        MinimumValue="0" MaximumValue="100000000" Width="100" />

<div class="one-variant-price" style="visibility:hidden;" >
                    <nopCommerce:ProductPrice1 ID="ctrlProductPrice" runat="server" />
                    <nopCommerce:DecimalTextBox runat="server" ID="txtCustomerEnteredPrice" Value="1"
                        RequiredErrorMessage="<% $NopResources:Products.CustomerEnteredPrice.EnterPrice %>"
                        MinimumValue="0" MaximumValue="100000000" Width="100" />

- hayden
13 anni tempo fa
Yes but this will do it for all of our products. Only some of our products have a MAP policy where a) we cant show a price on the product page, but we can in the cart, or b) we can show a higher price on the product page and a lower price in the shopping cart.

I'm going to upgrade to 1.8 today for the "call for price" feature, which will solve this temporary with these products by not showing a price at all, but ultimately id like something for "a" and "b"
13 anni tempo fa
using VS make a copy of

templates/products/OneVariant.ascx and rename it ( eg MAP.ascx )

make the 'visibility' change as outlined above

go to admin     content management-->templates --> product templates

register MAP.ascx  ( look at how the other product templates are implemented )

edit your MAP product and on the product info tab, look for :       Product template:

your new template   MAP.ascx should be in the drop down list - select it and save

use this template for all the other products where you want to hide the price

it should only take 5-10 mins to do all of the above

- hayden
13 anni tempo fa
Smack myself in the face... i forgot about product templates. Would it be possible to also allow the call for pricing to still be allowed to add to cart? Might be nice to have different templates, one for call for pricing which allows you to add to cart, one for call for pricing that doesnt allow you to add to cart, and one for normal prices. Just a thought...

I just upgraded to 1.8 so i havent looked at anything in VS yet.
13 anni tempo fa
Is there a way to change 1.8 to still be able to add to the cart if call for pricing is enabled? Can I do this per template or is it store wide?
13 anni tempo fa
I search for the same thing. I enabled Call for Price. It worked fine but the bouton Add to cart stop process when we try to add product.

Thank you for help ;)
13 anni tempo fa
sternyy wrote:
Yes but this will do it for all of our products. Only some of our products have a MAP policy where a) we cant show a price on the product page, but we can in the cart, or b) we can show a higher price on the product page and a lower price in the shopping cart.

I'm going to upgrade to 1.8 today for the "call for price" feature, which will solve this temporary with these products by not showing a price at all, but ultimately id like something for "a" and "b"

Another way may be to hide price for all as Haydie  suggested and then in Specification Attributtes show the prices you want the custormers to see
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