Admin Order Controller Action calling twice _orderService.UpdateOrder(order)

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4 anni tempo fa
Does anyone knows why the _orderService.UpdateOrder(order) is called twice in the following Action contained in Presentation\Nop.Web\Areas\Admin\Controllers\OrderController.cs line 1034 ? I can't figure it out. In the first call is clear that we are updating the order status but what is the purpose of the second call ?

        [HttpPost, ActionName("Edit")]
        public virtual IActionResult ChangeOrderStatus(int id, OrderModel model)
            if (!_permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.ManageOrders))
                return AccessDeniedView();

            //try to get an order with the specified id
            var order = _orderService.GetOrderById(id);
            if (order == null)
                return RedirectToAction("List");

            //a vendor does not have access to this functionality
            if (_workContext.CurrentVendor != null)
                return RedirectToAction("Edit", "Order", new { id });

                order.OrderStatusId = model.OrderStatusId;

                //add a note
                order.OrderNotes.Add(new OrderNote
                    Note = $"Order status has been edited. New status: {_localizationService.GetLocalizedEnum(order.OrderStatus)}",
                    DisplayToCustomer = false,
                    CreatedOnUtc = DateTime.UtcNow

                //prepare model
                model = _orderModelFactory.PrepareOrderModel(model, order);

                return View(model);
            catch (Exception exc)
                //prepare model
                model = _orderModelFactory.PrepareOrderModel(model, order);

                return View(model);
4 anni tempo fa
Never mind. I got it. I didn't realize that the order note was part of the order. Thank you anyway.
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