How to display manufacturer part number of product along with product description

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13 anni tempo fa
Just like we have a feature of "Show SKU", i would like to display Manufacturer part number of the product.

How can i do that ?
13 anni tempo fa
This option will be available in the next release. See change set 56898
13 anni tempo fa
Thanks Andrei....
13 anni tempo fa
nopCommerce team | a.m. wrote:
This option will be available in the next release. See change set 56898

Hello Andrei ,

Just wanted to ask/confirm few things about this changeset

when in admin section we checkmark the option "show SKU"

SKU is display in product description, shopping cart (in checkout.aspx page), in order receipt e-mail, pakaging slip PDF

When "Show MPN" will be added in 1.9 , is it going to work in the same way and will appear in all the above mentioned details ? if yes, then it will be great

Is this a bug ? Just noticed one thing that when we allow "show SKU", SKU appears in packaging slip PDF but DOESN'T APPEAR IN PDF INVOICE.

If it is a bug then is it going to be fixed in 1.9 version ? in addition to that same will work for MPN also ?
13 anni tempo fa
abcd_12345 wrote:
When "Show MPN" will be added in 1.9 , is it going to work in the same way and will appear in all the above mentioned details ? if yes, then it will be great[/url]
MPN will be displayed on product details page

[quote=abcd_12345]Just noticed one thing that when we allow "show SKU", SKU appears in packaging slip PDF but DOESN'T APPEAR IN PDF INVOICE.

That's by design. But you can easily customize PDF invoice generation to display SKU
13 anni tempo fa
How can i customize PDF invoices and order numbers ?  in ver 1.8
Order numbers starts from Order 1 but i need to change that to my current order/invoice numbers to correspond with current d-base.

13 anni tempo fa
saintist wrote:
How can i customize PDF invoices and order numbers ?

It needs some coding. Look at \Libraries\Nop.BusinessLogic\Utils\PDFHelper.cs file, PrintProductsToPdf method

saintist wrote:
Order numbers starts from Order 1 but i need to change that to my current order/invoice numbers to correspond with current d-base
13 anni tempo fa
Thanks Andrei.
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