nopCommerce does not permit recurring charges against Paypal Standard?

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13 anni tempo fa

nopCommerce does not permit recurring charges against Paypal Standard?

For detail see this thread:

I was having issue getting "Paypal Standard" on checkout page Payment tab - turns out it was because the product was marked "Recurring Product"

I drilled down the code turns out there's a if-statement which is causing problem in CheckoutPaymentMethodControl.BindData... the if-statement blocks the proceeds if Cart.IsRecurring = true (which in turn is caused by Recurring product" under product page)

Stack as follows:

>  NopCommerceStore.DLL!NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.Modules.CheckoutPaymentMethodControl.BindData() Line 165  C#
  NopCommerceStore.DLL!NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.CheckoutPaymentMethodPage.Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) Line 52 + 0x10 bytes  C#
  [External Code]  
  NopCommerceStore.DLL!NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.BaseNopPage.OnLoad(System.EventArgs e) Line 80 + 0xb bytes  C#
13 anni tempo fa
No, PayPal Standard module doesn't support recurring payments
13 anni tempo fa
PayPal standard does support recurring payment and installment payments with the Enhanced Recurring Payments options (a $20/month upgrade).

Of particular interest to me would be installment payments where a customer can chose to pay for their cart items in monthly payments (like 4 payments of $25 rather than a one time $100 payment)

Has anyone implemented this sort of thing?
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