Deploy To Live Site

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13 anni tempo fa
Hi i was just wondering if there were a series of instructions on proper deploy proceedures to the live site etc.. like do we remove the install folder etc?
13 anni tempo fa
After you install nopCommerce, it writes the details of your connection string to the ConnectionString.config file. After that, it performs checks to make sure that the connection string is set.
13 anni tempo fa
thomen wrote:
Hi i was just wondering if there were a series of instructions on proper deploy proceedures to the live site etc.. like do we remove the install folder etc?

Are you moving to a shared host, VSP or dedicated? If shared i assume you have a control panel or such where you can do some of the work manually instead of an install. When you download nop w/ source you get a VS solution file at the root with several folders of source such as Libraries, Payment, Shipping, Tax, etc. At that same level you have a NopCommerceStore folder. The contents of the NopCommerceStore folder is the application you want to copy to the host. This is your nop site that is set as the application on your host.

Change your project to build in release mode and change your web.config file to:
<compilation debug="false" targetFramework="4.0">

Build the project and the bin subfolder (under the NopCommerceStore folder) should contain your changes to the proper DLL's. You should not need the symbol .PDB files.

Once you copy those folder contents up to your host you need to restore your database that you want to go live with and set a user and password with that database. Add those settings to your connectionstrings.config file.

Images/Thumbs folder needs NETWORK SERVICE modify permissions
administration/backups folder needs NETWORK SERVICE modify permissions

When copying files/folders up, you should not need the install folder you mentioned. You can remove the darkorange app_theme if you are not using it but if you do you may need to change the following line in the web.config to your theme:
<pages theme="DarkOrange"  to  "yourtheme"

The obj folder is something I am not sure about yet but I did not copy the debug subfolder.

Remove the admin@yourstore customer.

These are some of the steps i have used in moving to a tempURL on a live host before actually going live. I still have some tweaking to do and the steps above may need some clarification based on what IIS you will be running under, etc...hope this helps...jeff
13 anni tempo fa
Hi JNet,,
thanks for such an awesome and detailed reply..

I'm moving from my local pc (i've got vs2010 and been developing locally)

to a live server..

your instructions were excellent! +1 for sticky!
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