Customising Login Code

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13 anni tempo fa

I have an existing website on which users are required to register and fill in a series of forms. After filling in the forms, they then need to purchase accommodation to attend an event where those forms will be used.

I'm implementing the accommodation purchase as an nopCommerce site but need to ensure that those buying accommodation have already registered on the existing site.

My approach would be to do the following:
1. Create a class in the existing site that will act like a http api function and return to a calling website the details of a user given the user's ID and Password.
2. Call this api from nopCommerce with the ID and Password entered by the user on the Login page.
3. Allow login if the api indicates that the user exists and create a corresponding record in the nopCommerce data store.
4. Refuse login if the api indicates that the user doesn't exist.

Where in nopCommerce should I be putting my custom login code in order to implement this scenario?

Thanks for your help.

PS: I posted this in another thread but got no response. Apologies for re-posting.
13 anni tempo fa
I hope it's not holiday season in Russia...can someone please respond to this post.

Thank you.
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