Customer from email address missing - Contact Us form

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13 anni tempo fa
When a user completes the contact us form and sends the message it does not record or store or even send the customers email address to me. This leaves me with lost enquiries and leaves my customers with a very bad taste in their mouth as they think I just don't respond, when in actual fact I never even got the mail.  I was hoping it would add it in the message body at the very least...

This has been missing even from version 1.3...Will this not be added to NopCommerce?

(I am running 1.8 and using gmail)

13 anni tempo fa
Dave, under normal circumstances, the senders e-mail address is included in the body of the mail message sent through the  nopCommerce contact us form ...

could it be your server, or gmail pehaps ?
13 anni tempo fa
There is no email address in the 'contact us' message sent.

Also, because I am using Google Apps. When the email comes in, it shows that it's from me, to me, which isn't right, surely it should display as from the (or at least 'reply-to') as being the customers email address.

I have fw rules in place on the store admin account which forwards all email to my main account, it doesn't get fw'd no matter what i try, because the from and to address is the same.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Dave Coates
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