How can I create a partial access user ?

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13 anni tempo fa
I am trying to create a specific profile group to manage only Products  in Administration area. I created a profile and associated with product management only in Access Control List. But even with this association, I can't do login at Administration area. If I checked, in the user profile, "Is administrator" check box the access to Administration area is granted, but the user can do everything, not only was checked in Access Control. Am I forgetting anything?
13 anni tempo fa
In order to give control (maintaining products) to anyone you have to make him/her "Is Administrator".

So, when you will assign him the role in the Access Control List, just dis-able other checkboxes and only check those checkboxes that user needs to maintain product catalog (which is Manage Catalog). By this the use won't be able to go or modify other things and he/she will get a message saying "You don't have permission to go in this area".

Yes by this user will be able to see your admin section but won't be able to do anything else other than maintaining product in the "Catalog" section.
13 anni tempo fa
abcd_12345 wrote:
In order to give control (maintaining products) to anyone you have to make him/her "Is Administrator".

So, when you will assign him the role in the Access Control List, just dis-able other checkboxes and only check those checkboxes that user needs to maintain product catalog (which is Manage Catalog). By this the use won't be able to go or modify other things and he/she will get a message saying "You don't have permission to go in this area".

Yes by this user will be able to see your admin section but won't be able to do anything else other than maintaining product in the "Catalog" section.

Hi Mike,
Thanks for your help. Your considarations are perfect, but didn't work for me. I create a group called "Local Adm" and just checked Manage Catalog only. The user I created just have "Local Adm"  checked in your "Customer Rules", but when I do Log in  with this user, I can change everything...
13 anni tempo fa
You can do one thing,

Don't go with the new role you just added,

Go with the existing roles and assign the user with any of these 4 roles : Content Managers, Favorite Customers, Global Administrators, Staff.

Suppose you assign that user this role "Staff".

Now in Access Control List, in the "Staff" role, unckeck all the check-boxes excel "Manage Catalog"

Now save your settings and now try login.. You should be able to access "Catalog" only and all the other things mentioned in the Access Control List that you unchecked will be blocked for that user
13 anni tempo fa
I associated the user with "Staff" rule as you said, but the problem remains. I am using TrendyShoes template. Do you thing is it can be a problem?
13 anni tempo fa
in admin

configuration --> access control list

make sure you have ticked

Access control list enabled and click 'save'

BEFORE you do this, make sure your user has been granted global administrator role otherwise you will be locked out of admin
13 anni tempo fa
You sure, you have "Enabled" Access Control List ?
13 anni tempo fa
I believe the problem was in any information in our database. I deleted the customer and group profile and add it again.. Now it´s working as you said !!
Thanks a lot for your support.
13 anni tempo fa
haydie wrote:
in admin

configuration --> access control list

make sure you have ticked

Access control list enabled and click 'save'

BEFORE you do this, make sure your user has been granted global administrator role otherwise you will be locked out of admin

Thanks for your support. It´s working now.
13 anni tempo fa
How do I even add a user? I would like to add more admin users.

Nevermind. Found it's under "Manage Customers"
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