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13 anni tempo fa
Some one who knows what they are doing please tell me how to get the right side categories into place and the html content up where its supposed to go?

13 anni tempo fa
Its dificult to be specific, I think a couple of things might be happening

1) one of your page wrappers is too small for the other wrapper inside it and is pushing the content out eg
(in style.css )
master-wrapper-cph-3 {
    width: 620px;

try bringing down the width to 590px

or maybe make your master wrapper wider ( though it is probbaly as wide as you want it for the average screen size )


you might have opend a <div>   somewhere and forgot to close it ?
13 anni tempo fa
okay i fixed that issue... but now how do i get my html-content back into the center of the page? where it is supposed to go?
13 anni tempo fa
I'm still thinking it's a wrapper issue, my suggestion above was to help you in the right direction, there seems to be other wrappers which you have changed, I can't guess which but we seem to be going in the right direction.

do you have firefox browser installed on your pc ? if not, install it and install the firebug addon

together, the are fantastic for tracking down css  elements - I think it would reall help
13 anni tempo fa
yeah i am using both... it wouldnt be because i changed other wrappers not pertaining to my threecolumn.master right? maybe i should start over? i had to seperate the rightside-3 from the center.. because they were bunched together also...
13 anni tempo fa
helpppp please....

<%@ Master Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPages/Root.Master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="TwoColumn.master.cs" Inherits="NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.MasterPages.TwoColumn" %>
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13 anni tempo fa
Gypz wrote:
it wouldnt be because i changed other wrappers not pertaining to my threecolumn.master right? maybe i should start over?

it's possible, but i copied the code you posted above and tried it in a demo - it's still all over the place -

i deleted a few </div>'s  (the last 4 ) and it brought the content back into the main page, but not propperly.

Looking at the code you posted, I'd suggest you start over with this page - how are you editing the pages? are you using VWD or VS ?
13 anni tempo fa
Haydie.... thanks sooooo much... you really helped me...

All i needed to do was be able to just sit here for awhile with no interruptions and i figured it out... it was much easier than i was making it all out to be... when i started over.. it all kinda just fell into place the way i wanted to.. a few trial an errors but all good...
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