Render imported extrenal product image URLs to a limited size under Admin/Product/List

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3 anni tempo fa
I imported external book cover image URLs into Picture table. I modified PictureService,cs by adding a method to GetPictureExternalUrlById. The display of teh images in product list is fine. However under Admin/Product/List, they are rendered as the original sizes of the URLs, eg. which is too big to edit other columns,  In this case, the following datatable ColumnProperty Width = "100" seems ineffective.

                                new ColumnProperty(nameof(ProductModel.PictureThumbnailUrl))
                                    Title = T("Admin.Catalog.Products.Fields.PictureThumbnailUrl").Text,
                                    Width = "100",
                                    Render = new RenderPicture()

How do I change the picture render or set max-width?

Thank you.
3 anni tempo fa
I understand that ColumnProperty Width = "100" is only for the width of the column, not the width of the image. How to set CSS or CSS class for the image?
3 anni tempo fa
looks like you can assign Datatable columns a classname with javascript after it renders:

once they have a class name then style that class with CSS:

.yourclass {
  width: 100%;
  height: auto;
3 anni tempo fa
@af1racing Thanks for your suggestion. I've resolved the issue. I have tried to ways. Both are working.
Method 1. use ClassName =  NopColumnClassDefaults.Image with CSS
new ColumnProperty(nameof(ProductModel.PictureThumbnailUrl))
  Title = T("Admin.Catalog.Products.Fields.PictureThumbnailUrl").Text,
  ClassName =  NopColumnClassDefaults.Image,
  Width = "100",
  Render = new RenderPicture()
  //Render = new RenderCustom("renderPicturesColumnProductPictureUrl")

.image-column {
  width: 100px;

.table > tbody > tr > td.image-column {
  width: 100px;

  .table > tbody > tr > td.image-column img {
    width: 100px;

Since the img element tag has been styled with the width, no further CSS ClassName is required with RenderPicture class.

Method 2. use RenderCustom class and function "renderPicturesColumnProductPictureUrl"
  function renderPicturesColumnProductPictureUrl(data, type, row, meta) {
    return '<a href="' + row.PictureThumbnailUrl + '" target="_blank"><img alt="' + row.PictureId + '" src="' + row.PictureThumbnailUrl + '" width="100" /></a>';

new ColumnProperty(nameof(ProductModel.PictureThumbnailUrl))
  Title = T("Admin.Catalog.Products.Fields.PictureThumbnailUrl").Text,
  //ClassName =  NopColumnClassDefaults.Image,
  Width = "100",
  //Render = new RenderPicture()
  Render = new RenderCustom("renderPicturesColumnProductPictureUrl")
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