Routes to use SEO friendly URLs with multiple languages enabled Setting

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2 anni tempo fa
I just realise when this setting is enabled the routes in my plugin no longer worked
Seems one way to fix it was to create a second route for when the /xx/ country code is added to the front of the url

new { controller = "PluginCheckout", action = "PluginCompleted" });

new { controller = "PluginCheckout", action = "PluginCompleted" });

Do I have to duplicate and modify all my plugin routes or is there another way ?
2 anni tempo fa
No need to duplicate all routes, just use a language pattern for routes that lead to a specific page (not file download and not ajax requests). See an example of this approach in our plugin.
2 anni tempo fa
Thank you Sir!

route now changed to:

endpointRouteBuilder.MapControllerRoute(name: "Plugin.Completed",
                pattern: $"{lang}/plugin/completed/{{orderId:int?}}",
                defaults: new { controller = "PluginCheckout", action = "PluginCompleted" });
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