shoppingcart.aspx takes 16 seconds to load

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13 anni tempo fa
I tried reloading several times and still see this really slow load time. Any ideas what might cause it? Im running on a very powerful dedicated win2008r2 server, so horsepower is not a problem. This is a really big concern...
13 anni tempo fa
It could be anything, may be it's not setup right or there is a security issue. Do you have SQL SERVER on the same machine?
13 anni tempo fa
yes sql express on it. everything else on the site runs fast, but the shopping cart and checkout pages are consistently taking right at 16 seconds to load. im debugging what i can but any input appreciated. Not sure how long it's been doing this, but im sure ive lost customers over it.
13 anni tempo fa
i think it's the addthis script.. seems to be incredibly slow loading under ssl. going to remove it from any ssl enabled page and see if it helps (no reason to have it on those pages anyway)
13 anni tempo fa
ok this is frustrating. removing button didnt help. but im trying it in chrome and firefox and it works fine. looks like ie9 is choking bad on it. and even with compatability mode on, same thing. i think ill bang my head on this wall next to me..
13 anni tempo fa
ok last update- i killed all ie instances and started over, and it's fast now. argh, welcome to ie 9.
13 anni tempo fa
ok I haven't updated to IE 9 yet, might as well update and see if all of my nopcommerce websites are working fine.
13 anni tempo fa
as mentioned though, killing all instances of ie9 and restarting actually fixed it. so, it's not a "normal" problem, at a minimum. probably a resource shortage or some other weirdness.
13 anni tempo fa
I have the same problem with IE9. Everything is slow and the FCKeditor does not work as is should be.

Now I'm working with firefox and all the problems are gone.
13 anni tempo fa
Version 1.9 and 1.8 are working fine in both ie9 and FF from my local.
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