Payments.PayPalCommerce error

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1 anno tempo fa

I have the following error reported for a customer trying to purchase from our web store using the NOP Payments.PayPalCommerce plugin. We do not use a shipping address as our products are downloadable. The customer's postal code is not captured on registration.

PayPalHttp.HttpException: {"name":"UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY","details":[{"field":"/purchase_units/@reference_id=='7475219c-b444-491a-ae65-313e4aba050d'/shipping/address/postal_code","issue":"POSTAL_CODE_REQUIRED","description":"The specified country requires a postal code"}],"message":"The requested action could not be performed, semantically incorrect, or failed business validation.","debug_id":"e68d1f65bca5d","links":[{"href":"","rel":"information_link","method":"GET"}]}
   at PayPalHttp.HttpClient.Execute[T](T req)
   at Nop.Plugin.Payments.PayPalCommerce.Services.ServiceManager.HandleCheckoutRequestAsync[TRequest,TResult](PayPalCommerceSettings settings, TRequest request)
   at Nop.Plugin.Payments.PayPalCommerce.Services.ServiceManager.<>c__DisplayClass28_0.<<CreateOrderAsync>b__0>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
   at Nop.Plugin.Payments.PayPalCommerce.Services.ServiceManager.HandleFunctionAsync[TResult](Func`1 function)

Could this be because the customer is not providing the postcode when they enter the PayPal card details?
1 anno tempo fa
phayes wrote:
...The specified country requires a postal code

...Could this be because the customer is not providing the postcode when they enter the PayPal card details?

Most probably, yes. Does it work fine when the customer provides the postal code?
1 anno tempo fa
Thank you for replying, hope you are well, yes, it works fine when they enter a postcode, so all good,
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