Hide product price in shop

8 mesi tempo fa
We have a B2B shop so we like to hide all the prices in the shop. They have to add the product to the shopping basket an request a quote.

What is the best way to hide the prices in all the screens, mails and pdf (invoice)?
Is it a setting or do you have the change the view templats?

Someone did this for his own shop? can we see this in action?
8 mesi tempo fa
In the Access Control List you can turn of the display of prices in the Public Store
for certain roles i.e. Guest or Registered
See yourwebsite.com/Admin/Security/Permissions > Public store. Display Prices
8 mesi tempo fa
Thanks that works, but it also hides the "add to cart" button.

Is it possible to hide the prices and show the "add to cart" button.
8 mesi tempo fa
wbonekamp wrote:
Thanks that works, but it also hides the "add to cart" button.

Is it possible to hide the prices and show the "add to cart" button.

Have you tried setting up the option "Call for pricing" for a product? At least in this case, U can use "add to wishlist" ;)
8 mesi tempo fa
This is no out-of-the-box solution for your requirements. Custom development required.