Good cookie bar (GDPR) for footer?

6 mesi tempo fa
I'm using a theme from nop-templates and I really don't like the popup in the middle of the screen it uses. I know I can adjust the CSS but I want a better "cookie bar" design and want to know if there are any out there that I could use? Obviously it's not the greatest our sites have to have this nonsense but if anyone knows of an elegant design and is willing to share I'd appreciate it.

Thank you.
6 mesi tempo fa
Hello ,

Better if you contact the theme vendor nop-templates.
3 mesi tempo fa

I used

and implemented it as a widget plugin.

I used PublicWidgetZones.BodyStartHtmlTagAfter to inject the configuration the JS and the css into every Page, and used a hidden form to handle the callback, to log a line into the GDPR Log Sections...

Let me know if someone needs more info, then i will extract the codepart out of my coreplugin and push it to GitHub

3 mesi tempo fa
Thank you. Would be nice if someone could offer it as a plugin to share.