Two bugs within related products

4 mesi tempo fa
Hi NopCommerce-Team
found two bugs within related products.

1. nopCommerce version 4.50.4 clean/fresh setup
2. Actual behavior and  steps to reproduce the problem
Setup a new product and adding one required product to that new product.
It is currently possible to add more than once the same required product to a product in the admin backend. There is no check if this product id has been already added to the main product.

For example we have one main product and set the same required product three times in the admin backend.
On basket first insert we have 1x main product and 3x required product. On second basket insert it should be 2x main product and 6x required product, but it is 2x main product and 3x required product. If you do more adds of the main product then when you have the same quantity of main products like the required product the next time it is then 4x main product and 6x required product.

3. Expected behavior
  The expectation of our customer is when then main product is added to the basket,
the required product is added so many times to the basket like it was set as required product in admin backend.
This works on first basket insert of the main product but should also work on any subsequent adds to the basket.

4. No private modifications done

The second bug is that required products can be easily deleted from the mini-shopping-cart (basket preview).

Thank you very much!
4 mesi tempo fa
Is this issue the same as your other topic?  If so, it's best to reply to original post rather than create a new topic.
4 mesi tempo fa
Yes, I've added the issue already to an old/closed issue with same topic with the link you have posted, but since it's an new issue I have created this new thread plus the second new issue found. I wanted to delete the last post after the old issue then, but this seems not to be possible somehow.
My intention was not to double post.

4 mesi tempo fa
Thanks for the info, we'll check this within the same issue.

As for the second problem, there is no delete item functionality in the mini-cart by default. I assume it's a third-party theme.
4 mesi tempo fa
Yes, true. We use Emporium theme from nop templates. I'll contact the vendor regarding that.
4 mesi tempo fa
We've fixed this issue. Find out more about it on our github (#6843)