How to change 5000 port to 80 port and LISTEN on

4 mesi tempo fa

I am using nopCommerce (Package without source code) version, I found this version is running on 5000 port, and only allows localhost to connect to 5000 port.

I have two questions.
One is how to change the 5000 port to 80 port.
I am using Windows Server 2022, and IIS is not installed on the Windows server, so there will not be two 80 ports.

The other question is how to configure the 80 port to LISTEN on, not
My purpose is to allow internet users to connect to my server.
4 mesi tempo fa
There is a "Kestrel" section in your \App_Data\appsettings.json file.
You could try this:

  "Kestrel": {
    "EndPoints": {
      "Http": {
        "Url": ""