does nopcommerce bundles theme css and js files?

2 mesi tempo fa
Hi i wonder if nopcommerce bundles custom themes css and js files
if it does not bundle them what is best practice to bundle them on build or deploy time?
2 mesi tempo fa
NopCommerce bundles and minifies the css and JS out of the box. You need to enable it at the  AppSettings if you are using  the latest NopC version /Admin/Setting/AppSettings or using the GeneralSettings if you are using older NopC version /Admin/Setting/GeneralCommon

You need to link the CSS and js file using the NopCommerce inbuild HTML helper like the below code snippet for the NopC bundling and minification to work

NopHtml.AppendCssFileParts({path of your CSS file});
Eg: NopHtml.AppendCssFileParts("~/lib_npm/swiper/swiper-bundle.min.css");

NopHtml.AppendScriptParts(ResourceLocation.{location}, {path of your js file})
Eg: NopHtml.AppendScriptParts(ResourceLocation.Footer, "~/js/public.countryselect.js")