Hello, nopCommerce Community!

We're thrilled to announce the launch of the WhatsApp Quick Order Plugin, now available for nopCommerce versions 4.50 and 4.60. This innovative plugin transforms your WhatsApp into a powerful sales tool, allowing customers to browse, select, and purchase products entirely through WhatsApp chats.

Key Features of WhatsApp Quick Order:

Streamlined Shopping Experience: Start a chat, choose products, and check out—all within WhatsApp.
Effortless Integration: Easily integrates with your existing nopCommerce setup.
Enhanced Customer Engagement: Keep your customers engaged with a familiar and convenient shopping interface.

To view the WhatsApp Quick Order plugin, please go to its live demo.

See our Plugin on the marketplace

We are committed to continuously enhancing the shopping experience and would love to hear your thoughts. Your feedback and suggestions are not only welcome but also crucial in helping us improve.