grouped product pictures are low resolution

3 settimane tempo fa
When I have grouped products, then the product pictures are low quality - it seems they're a small thumbnail which is increased in size when the page is rendered.  Inspecting the picture in the Catalog admin section, it looks great.  Is this a bug?  I'm running 4.50.4.
3 settimane tempo fa

It seems you’re encountering an issue with image quality for grouped products in version 4.50.4. This could be related to the way thumbnails are being generated or displayed for grouped products. It’s possible that the thumbnails are being upscaled, which would result in a loss of quality.

Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and potentially resolve the issue:

Check Image Settings: Review the image settings in your platform’s admin section to ensure that the correct image sizes are being generated for thumbnails.
Inspect Theme Files: If you’re using a custom theme, check the theme files to see if the image size for grouped product thumbnails is defined there.
Update Platform: Ensure that you’re running the latest version of your platform, as updates often contain bug fixes and improvements.
Report a Bug: If you believe this is a bug, report it to the developers of the platform. Provide them with details of the issue, including the version you’re running and any steps you’ve taken to troubleshoot.

I hope my suggestion is helpful for you.
3 settimane tempo fa
In your Admin Media Settings, what are your settings for Product section..  these are the defaults

Product detail image size
Product thumbnail image size (catalog)
Product thumbnail image size (product page)
Associated product image size

I believe that the "Associated product image size" is the one used for products displayed in grouped product page.
2 settimane tempo fa
Thanks!  Changing that last number from 220 to 550 made all images in groups as sharp as the group image.