Unable to test API through Postman

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I have tried turning off` all the certificate verification in Postman and no SSL is required since the database is local. However, I still keep encountering "400 Bad Request". I will attach some screenshots during my work.
Here is my current setting in Postman:
Here is the result page I got after running the test:
Here is the message in console:
Could you please maybe help me find out what I did wrong in this process? Thanks a lot!
2 settimane tempo fa
Hi! Unfortunately, I can't help you with setting up Postman (if you try the suggestions from this post), but if you want to test calls locally, you can use the built-in Swagger UI, it should be available at /api address on your site
1 settimana tempo fa
I am curious how to use the Swagger UI. When I use either /api or /api-backend, it pops up 'page not found.'
1 settimana tempo fa
In this case, it seems that your plugin is not installed correctly, try reinstalling it so that the route will work correctly

ypc1101 wrote:
I am curious how to use the Swagger UI. When I use either /api or /api-backend, it pops up 'page not found.'