Edost.ru plugin (Dev-Partner.biz)

Edost.ru plugin (Dev-Partner.biz)
This plugin supports the edost.ru service for calculation of the goods shipping price.
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Versioni supportate: 3.90
Data di creazione: novembre 09,2013
Ultimo aggiornamento: settembre 04,2020

This plugin calculate automaticaly the shipping price for several transport companies and courier services(about 12), including the mail of Russia, EMS, SDEK, AutoTrading, ZHeldDorErspeditsiya etc.

This plugin supports the edost.ru service for calculation of the goods shipping price. This plugin calculate automaticaly the shipping price for several transport companies and courier services(about 12), including the mail of Russia, EMS, CDEK, AutoTrading, ZHeldDorErspeditsiya etc.

Калькулятор доставки товаров для интернет-магазина NopCommerce. Плагин осуществляет автоматический расчет стоимости отправки заказа одновременно по нескольким транспортным компаниям и курьерским службам (до 12 единовременно), включая EMS, Почту России, СДЭК, АвтоТрейдинг, ЖелДорЭкспедицию и т.д.