HNB (Croatian national bank) exchange rate

HNB (Croatian national bank) exchange rate
This plugin allows to get rates from HNB (Croatian National Bank).
Scarica l'estensione (37 Download)
Versioni supportate: 4.10, 4.20
Data di creazione: giugno 29,2020
Ultimo aggiornamento: luglio 09,2020

This plugin is primarily made for Croatian market, and it allows to get and synchronize all rates provided within Croatian National Bank, HNB.

  • Download and install it form admin area
  • No configuration
  • Update rates with schedule task
  • Free to use

It connects to XML feed provided by Croatian National Bank API Service, and converts rates based on nopCommerce built-in logic.

There is an option to Configure HNB API URL in case it will be changed or moved, but during the installation, default URL is set, so you do not have to change it.
For synchronizing needs, after the installation you can find schedule task named "Update currency exchange rates”, and configure the frequency how often do you want to update rates values.

Source code:

If you are interested on further development and bringing your own value to this plugin, feel free to contact us regarding source code.