PayU Poland Payment (Atluz)

PayU Poland Payment (Atluz)
PayU Poland Payment extension for nopCommerce. Provides secure communication using PayU's REST API. Dual payment status verification for secure transaction.
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Versioni supportate: 3.90, 4.00, 4.10, 4.20, 4.30, 4.40, 4.50, 4.60, 4.70
Data di creazione: luglio 15,2017
Ultimo aggiornamento: maggio 19,2024

PayU Poland Payment

Extension for nopCommerce

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PayU Poland Payment extension for nopCommerce.

Plugin provides server to server communication using PayU's REST API and is accomplished using a combination of server side API calls and HTTPS redirects. Plugin supports delayed payment using IPN notification. This is usefull when the payment collection is not instant. The plugin has dual verification for the payment status to make the transaction secure.

The package contains extension binaries which are ready to install as per nopCommerce guidance.

We are one of the very few plugin providers who continuously add new features to the plugins and you can avail those upgrades for no additional cost for a year. Also, when you buy our plugin you buy for all supported nopCommerce versions including future nopCommerce versions for a year. This significantly reduces total cost of ownership of our plugin over the period.

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1Support for nopCommerce
v3.80, v3.90, v4.00, v4.10, v4.20, v4.30, v4.40, v4.50, v4.60 and v4.70

2IPN notification for delayed payment and status verification

3Support for Capture, Refund and Partial Refund of order from Store admin panel

4REST API integration for secure payment transaction

5Configurable additional payment gateway fee (Fix/Percentage)

6Test & Live mode to test the store before going live

7One Year free support from the date of purchase

8One Year free upgrade from the date of purchase