Razorpay Payment (Atluz)

Razorpay Payment (Atluz)
2.5 4
Next Generation of Digital Payments for nopCommerce. An online payment gateway which allows Indian businesses to collect payments online through credit card, debit card, netbanking and popular wallets.
Scarica l'estensione Verrai reindirizzato al sito Web dello sviluppatore per scaricare questo plugin
Versioni supportate: 3.90, 4.00, 4.10, 4.20, 4.30, 4.40, 4.50, 4.60, 4.70
Data di creazione: maggio 07,2017
Ultimo aggiornamento: maggio 19,2024


Extension for nopCommerce

Ask us more Free Trial

Razorpay is a next Generation of Digital Payments for nopCommerce

An online payment gateway which allows Indian businesses to collect payments online through credit card, debit card, netbanking and popular wallets including JioMoney, Mobikwik, PayUmoney, Airtel Money, FreeCharge, Ola Money and PayZapp.

No Redirects

Start and end payments on the same page without moving elsewhere. No annoying redirects on your website.

Even for 3d-secure

All necessary redirection is handled within a popup. Customer never leaves your website.

Razorpay is industry standard 100% PCI DSS Compliant & Certified solution. No need for your site to be HTTPS secured or PCI DSS certified as all card info is submitted directly to Razorpay's PCI DSS certified system over HTTPS.

If you are new to Razorpay then you can create your account in Razorpay at New account

The extension package contains extension binaries which are ready to install as per nopCommerce guidance.

We are one of the very few plugin providers who continuously add new features to the plugins and you can avail those upgrades for no additional cost for a year. Also, when you buy our plugin you buy for all supported nopCommerce versions including future nopCommerce versions for a year. This significantly reduces total cost of ownership of our plugin over the period.

Ask us more


1Support for nopCommerce
v3.80, v3.90, v4.00, v4.10, v4.20, v4.30, v4.40, v4.50, v4.60 and v4.70

2No Redirect, start and end payments on the same page without moving elsewhere

3Multistore support. Can have individual settings for different store in single nopCommerce instance. (Note: this will need multiple licenses)

4Customisable popup color to make it part of the store theme

5Configurable Auto/Manual Capture once order is paid

6Payment Capture and Refund from the order detail page so no need to access payment gateway dashboard

7View last ten payment transaction from admin panel

8One Year free support from the date of purchase

9One Year free upgrade from the date of purchase

mumsateesh 19/05/2024 02:15
Upgrade to 4.7
Hi Team,

Request you update the plugin to nop 4.7 version.

Thank you.
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Thank you for your feedback.

We are in the process of upgrading all our plugins to support NopCommerce v4.70.

If you have any further queries or suggestions, please feel free to contact us at https://store.atluz.com/contactus.

Best Regards,
Atluz Nop Team
[email protected] 19/09/2020 04:27
continued review
frustration of what ? atluz havnt responded on any of the mail tickets #1981 #1988, why dont you guys have proper call center to support ?
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Thanks for the clarification.
We suggest you to login to your account and check the ticket details.  We can see that all your requests were replied within an hour.
I think you need to check your email box as the email might have landed to Junk but still you can always login to your account to access the tickets.

Here is the details of the tickets you logged,
Raised on: 09 Sep 2020 19:50 IST
We replied on: 09 Sep 2020 20:11 IST
Auto Closed due to no response: 14 Sep 2020 23:53 IST

#1988 is still open
Raised On: 18 Sep 2020 17:20 IST
We replied On: 18 Sep 2020 17:35 IST

Best Regards,
Atluz Nop Team
[email protected] 18/09/2020 06:41
Pathetic customercare
i agree with another review of gentleman, after confirmed payment we need to confirm manually and verify each and every payment. they dont reply to any mail neither provide a calling number, had purchased an year ago and need update, had mailed them, they closed the ticket without responding. why u guys are on earth
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Thank you for your feedback but if you are facing any issue related to the plugin functionality then you can always contact us at https://store.atluz.com/contactus.

If you enable Manual capture in the plugin then it means manually approve of each payment, so if you want the payment to be auto captured then you can keep the manual capture OFF (please see the short help in the plugin configuration).
We have free trials to evaluate the plugin's functionality. So, as you mentioned you have purchased a year back so everything worked before you purchased.

We use the same plugin by which you acquired your license. If plugin does not work then you may not have our plugin anyways.
So, this review appears to be out of frustration just because you don’t get free support/upgrade after one year of purchase and our support may have asked to purchase new license. Secondly you are putting your feedback after using the plugin for a year? If you were unhappy with our support or product then you could have posted when you purchased the plugin.

We use well organised help-desk ticketing system so that all the requests are tracked and responded promptly unlike emails going to junk and phone calls going untraceable. Our help-desk system does not allow any ticket to be closed without responding. Secondly you can always reopen the tickets if they are closed without resolution and reopened tickets are escalated.

Best Regards,
Atluz Nop Team
goldseeva5 19/09/2019 05:17
payment status always shows pending
there is no contact developer in the ext

payment status always shows
Order ID: xx

Sorry!!! we are unable to verify the payment status for now.

Sometimes this process takes longer so please contact the site administrator for details
or visit order details after sometime.

but actually it is captured...it is not redicrting to confirmed page / payment status confirmed
nop 4.2
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Thank you for your feedback but if you are facing any issue related to the plugin functionality then you can always contact us at https://store.atluz.com/contactus. We believe in single point of contact so for any query/feedback you can contact us using this option.

We have tired to keep 'Contact Us' wherever we can think off e.g. On this page, On home page of our store, Every email sent by us (including Order details). But if you missed it then we will try to improve.

Coming to the functionality of plugin, if you have purchased the plugin from us then you would have experienced the plugin functionality on our store because we use the same plugin in our store. So, it appears like some local customization issue.

Please make sure that you are using the latest version of the plugin and there are no customization at NopCommerce core level. But still you are facing the issue then please feel free to contact us at https://store.atluz.com/contactus.

Best Regards,
Atluz Nop Team