How to call the contoller

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12 年 前

i dont any idea how contoller are call when i click to any submit button .

plz tell me

Thank u
12 年 前
The URL tells your web application which controller to go to. Have a read here, to understand how the MVC Framework works.
12 年 前
Hey Ciwan

this is link  when i click on register button then tell me plz how controller are call and

how data are insert in database


Thank u
12 年 前
Ciwan wrote:
The URL tells your web application which controller to go to. Have a read here, to understand how the MVC Framework works.

but in v 1.9 how it is set??

i can't just change the cs file and reupload it edited??

what i must change???

thanks for reply
12 年 前
Oh 1.9 !! you should have mentioned your version in your initial post. :)

Sorry, can't help you with 1.9 .. I know nothing about 1.9.
12 年 前
hello ...

how to Expand category menu by default

i'm using nopcomerece 2.10....
please help me....

Thank u..
12 年 前
Hi Jaysheer

You can't expand it by default.

Are you familiar with jQuery ? you can do it via jQuery by writing a line or two of code.

If you don't know jQuery, tell me which Theme you're using and I'll sort something out when I get back home from work.

12 年 前

I think Jayshree is trying to get the category menu expanded with sub -category by default. I'm also interested in this.

Currently, on sidebar, it list only parent category on home page, and if its a child category listing / product page, it list all parent category, with child category of only current active category.

I am also interested in listing all parent category already populated with child categories for each category. I'm working on a theme, and don't know how and what to change in code. Can you help me?

Moreover, I'm also interested in having only a Child Category of current parent category listed on Category page.

Thanks in Advance. Awaiting your response.
12 年 前

I'm using Nop Commerce 2.1
12 年 前
I think I understand. But just to make sure, can you upload a screenshot of what you mean, to TinyPic and link me to the screenshot.

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